Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A little mental scare last night...

This is what I get for weighing myself...

Saturday I decided to weigh myself because I was just tooo curious on how I had done while on vacation in Myrtle Beach. And It turns out I lost (as of Saturday, could have been more when I got home could have been less) about another 6 pounds. I've averaged a good 3.5 lbs weight lost since starting my journey in July and I'm quite happy. It feels extraordinarily good to know that I'm losing the weight on my own, while dealing with the stress of human life.

I've always thought that I needed someone to push me... when all I really needed was to believe in myself.

Now, as for my little mental scare, which prompted this post...

As I said before, I weighed myself Saturday. In the morning. Last night, I weighed myself again. I don't know why... I know it's not a good thing to do, especially when weighing at a different time of day because your body does fluctuate... what I experienced, my body fluctuates A LOT.

Last night, I was at 283lbs. Saturday I weighed 278. This morning I weighed myself again to get a better result of my Sunday "binge" so to speak (We went to Golden Corral for dinner. I got a dinner-plate sized salad, meat loaf (only ate half of), grilled teryaki/pineapple chicken, lima beans, broccoli and cauliflower on another plate and then I got dessert. A slice of Blueberry pie (ate 2/3s) and my obligatory (my absolute FAVORITE dessert of all time and of which I get a pretty big helping of, always) Banana Cream Pudding. Not to mention the glass of Dr. Pepper, my mug of hot tea 1 packet NutriSweet, 1 packet sugar).

I didn't think it was possible for your body to fluctuate a whole 5 lbs. I really, truly didn't.

In any case, my parents brought a small elliptical upstairs and I no longer have any reason to not work out, even if I don't feel like going outside/to the gym.

Below is my "goal" list. These are dates in which I would am hoping to have a certain milestone achieved by in order to reach my personal goal of being 175 (or less... ultimate goal is 150) by my 20th birthday July 9th, 2013.
  • Micro goal #1 have weight loss of 25lbs by October 5th, 2012.
  • Mini goal #1 have weight loss of 50lbs by December 1st, 2012.
  • Micro goal #2 have weight loss of 75lbs by February 11th, 2013.
  • Mini goal #2 have weight loss of 100lbs by May 1st, 2013.
  • Micro goal #3 have weight loss of 110lbs by June 24th, 2013.
  • Mini goal #3 have weight loss of 115lbs by July 9th, 2013. 
  • Major goal #1 be happy and healthy going to Delta State University to study nutrition and put what I've learned through losing weigh to the test.

I also want to mention that I used MyFitnessPal religiously the first 1 1/2-2 weeks of my journey. I kind of stopped during vacation and haven't really been able to get back into the groove. I find myself making up a lot of recipes because I'm eating things that no one else has put into the system. I don't know if I'll get back to using it religiously, but I will stay on it to calculate calories in/out on certain days.

School starts next week, and I've really got to stay focused on it this year, so who knows when I'll update next.

Until then,
Keep The Peace,
Nicole <3

Monday, August 20, 2012

Welcome to my Life. :)

Hey all!

So, I was inspired by Sandra's blog to blog about my own journey and the crazy things that happen along the way. I can't promise I'll update daily, or weekly, or even monthly... what I can promise is that when I update you may just laugh a little. :)

Just so you know, while this is a major Weight-loss journey blog, it's not just that. It's about my finding out who I really, truly am... and who I want to be. I'm only 19, I have a lot of life to live but I can't wait forever to start it, you know?

Some background, I auditioned for The Biggest Loser in July 2012, and after not getting chosen, I joined a BL castaways group for other BL non-chosen candidates. I really started later than my castaway peers (they started around July 20th, and I didn't start until the 30th) due to problems that arose in my life, and since starting I have lost 6 lbs (as of August 8th, 2012). I was on vacation in Myrtle Beach, SC from the 11th-18th of August and didn't have a scale with me. Not that I really wanted to weigh myself on vacation anyway. :/

In any case, my vacation let me go off track with tracking my food intake and exercise achieved. I've started back with MyFitnessPal, and while I won't be able to hit the gym for a few days due to my car breaking down and therefore having to stay at my father's house who lives a good 20 minutes away from any of the gym branches, I will be doing moderate cleaning for a while which burns (according to MFP) a good 600 calories.

In any case, I'm gonna go. Maybe I'll update tomorrow... or -gasp- when I'm able to weigh myself! Hehe.

Keep the peace,
Colie <3